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Ventum Group makes strategic partnership with AEF

The president of the Association of Family Businesses, Arturo Palma Matetic, was the host of a new Conversemos en Confianza, an intimate and close meeting whose main topic was succession after loss. In this activity, representatives of different generations of AEF business families shared their experiences and testimonies.

From a practical and testimonial perspective, the Family Office Community called for an analysis on the best strategies to structure remuneration and compensation. A conversation that was led by Salvador Barros, member of the FO Committee and was attended by Jorge Marín, founding partner of Ventum Group, a recently incorporated AEF strategic alliance and whom we welcomed.

Together with Carey, a strategic alliance of our Association, we met at a breakfast held in the offices of this law firm to analyze the importance of the shareholders' agreement, an agreement that is key to the governance of a family company. Jorge Ugarte, member of an AEF family and partner of Carey, led this interesting and well-attended talk that was inaugurated with the welcoming words of Arturo Palma Matetic, president of the Association.

Guillermo Salazar and Verónica Tapia, experts from Cambridge Family Enterprise Group, joined us in the second talk of the The Succession Journey cycle, in which we analyzed how to prepare future shareholders to take on this challenge. Transmitting values, highlighting the importance of reputation, promoting involvement and commitment to the family business, were some of the topics addressed in this activity to which business families from all over Chile connected.

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